Making Practice Perfect: Changing the Way You Prepare to Meet Your Goals

When my brother was a kid, he went to hockey camp every summer. One
year, he came home and told us that the coach was the most demanding
he’d ever had. All they did was go over the basics again and again
– drill after drill, skill by skill – each time changing just one
small thing about the way they played. When my brother shrugged his
shoulders and said out loud to his teammates "well, I guess practice
makes perfect," the coach immediately corrected him, saying:
"No, Paul – perfect practice makes perfect."

That expression has stuck with me for 25 years, and I’ve found that
it’s just as true in sales as it was in hockey.

Perfect practice makes perfect. Just think about those four deceptively
simple words for a moment. The sad truth is that 80% of sales people
spend their days working on – practicing – the wrong things.
Instead of working on the things that will make them more successful,
they spend the majority of their time practicing the exact same things
they did yesterday, and the day before that, which are the very things
that are keeping success out of their grasp.

I’ve spent my professional life studying, copying and applying the
habits of highly successful sales and business people. When I coach
sales people in the field, what we’re trying to do is replicate those
same proven successful behaviors. Yet time and time again, the first
reaction we encounter is resistance. In 80% of the cases, sales people
tend to respond to new ideas with a defiant "that’s not
the way I do things!"

Ironically, the reason these people have hired me is to work with
them to change their results. The top 10% of sale people know that,
if you want to change your results, you have to change whatever you’re
doing each and every day that isn’t getting you what you want.
If you want to double your income, increase your commissions or take
more time off, and whatever you’re doing now isn’t allowing you to
accomplish these goals, then you have to find a new or better way
of working that will enable you to reach your goals – period.

After all, we’re not talking about rocket science here. I can say
without a moment’s doubt that I’ve never met a sales person who is
incapable of repeating what the top 10% of the profession do. Most
people only lack the desire to try, or the willingness to practice
something new, and refine it to perfection.

In other words, most simply lack the discipline to practice perfectly.

Don’t fall into that trap. Remember: if you always do what you
have always done, you will always get what you have always gotten.
The following are some ideas you can use to help you change the way
you do business, and begin to go from simply practicing, to practicing

3 key areas to practice perfectly
The top 10% of sales people perfectly practice 3 key areas:

  1. Finding new prospects;
  2. Qualifying their business; and
  3. Closing the business.
    Why? Because they know that these are the only 3 activities that
    directly affect their bottom line, and their success.

You don’t earn commissions for filling out expense reports, talking
to your friends on the phone, going for coffee or planning your vacation.
Top performers know that, and instinctively maximize the time they
spend in front of their clients during working hours.

Unless your customers are based around the world, most sales people
have a limited number of hours in which they can reach their clients
– typically between around 8:30 am and 4:30 pm. So make sure you maximize
the amount of time you spend working with your clients during those
hours, and save the non-commission generating work for the rest of
the day. If you’re spending too much time during peak selling hours
doing non-sales work, then you are seriously limiting your ability
to earn – and your income.

One easy way to increase the amount of time you spend with customers
and prospects is to keep a detailed log of your time for 2 weeks,
and track everything that you do in 30-minute increments. For a sample
of the one we recently completed in our office, email
me or contact us.

At the end of the 2-week period, look honestly at your log, and evaluate
how much time you’re spending working directly with clients, whether
you’re prospecting, qualifying or closing. If you can do better, set
yourself some goals. Make a decision to either increase your direct
client time to at least 50%, or by increments of 10% a year.

Next, immediately write down 10 things you can do every day to reach
your new goal, and start doing them right away, adding one new habit
a day until you are consistently practicing 10 new ways to stay in
front of your customers more often. Don’t be surprised if, within
that 10-day period, you find you’ve already reached or exceeded your
10% incremental goal for the year!

Get a little help from your friends
Another excellent approach is to get a mentor and a coach.

Top sales people know that they need to draw on the habits of other
top performers, so they work regularly with a coach or mentor to help
them identify those habits that will lead to greater success – and
hold them accountable for doing them.

Start by studying what your mentor does that makes them successful.
Ask them what they do every day that makes them a top sales person.
Then commit yourself to trying these things for yourself, even – or
especially! – if they’re different from what you’re doing now.

Do what they do. Read what they read, and associate with the people
and groups they do. Try one new thing at a time until you have perfected
it, and then move on to something else. Soon you will be as successful
as they are – or more!

Plus, consider hiring a professional coach to help you refine your
habits and techniques, and set your goals. They could be a sales coach,
a business coach or a personal coach. Either way, spend the money
it takes, and commit to being better. Successful sales people don’t
just talk about life-long learning; they act on it. Tapes, CD’s, learning
systems, videos, books – and coaching – are all core parts of their
regular sales workout.

Perfect practice also involves knowing when and how often to practice
new ideas. Top performers practice those things that are going to
improve their business first thing in the day, every day, and they
practice them until the work is done. For example, the vast majority
of top sales people:

  1. Make all their prospecting calls first thing in the morning,
    even before answering their email.

  2. Get up early before important sales presentations to practice
    one last time.

  3. Spend their commute time listening to tapes and CD’s in the
    car, learning new ideas rather than listening to the radio.

  4. Plan their vacation schedules and professional development days
    early in the year, so that they can plan their sales activity around
    the days they’ll be away from the office.

Follow the leaders
Finally, how often should you practice perfectly? Every day, and every
hour of your sales time. Here are some examples of what top performers
are doing every day to make their careers soar:

  • Set your goals.
    Set your goals each year, and review your progress on a quarterly
    and monthly basis. Each week, look at your list of goals, and choose
    5 things you can do that week to achieve them. In doing so, you
    will be working towards your sales goals every day.

  • Do it first!
    Yes, we all hate cold calling. That’s why top performers do those
    things that are directly related to generating business first thing
    in the morning. Commit yourself to making your calls before you
    open your email, and don’t stop until all your prospecting
    calls are finished for the day.

  • Listen to your gut.
    If there’s one thing in your business life that you have been putting
    off – one thing that you dread more than any other – then it’s highly
    probable that it is the single most important thing you should be
    doing. Stop procrastinating, stop being afraid, and (with thanks
    to Nike) just do it! If you’re still having trouble, read "The
    War of Art" by Steven Pressfield
    for a great kick in the

  • Document your successes – and your failures.
    Repeat the things that are working, and discard those that aren’t.
    Keep refining until you get the responses that will lead you to
    your goals.

  • Make time every day for professional development.
    I don’t mean quiet time to read the newspaper or watch TV,
    either. Find time every day to learn something new related to perfect
    practice, or to achieving your goals.

  • Stay focused on the end result.
    Commit yourself to being relentless in doing what needs to get done.
    If a colleague approaches you for a coffee break while you’re in
    the middle of making your prospecting calls, tell them that you’ll
    be happy to join them later. If your parent, spouse, partner, best
    friend, or Tom Cruise or Angelina Jolie calls while you’re busy
    closing business, tell them that you’ll call them back after 5:00
    pm. Unless they’re going to buy something from you, you can’t maximize
    your revenue goals by taking time out of your day for chit chat
    (well, okay, maybe if it’s Tom Cruise – but that’s it!). Remember:
    top performers – the top 10% – maximize every hour of every day,
    by spending it all and only with their prospects and qualified buyers.

Let’s face it – it’s not difficult to become a top performer. In
fact, it’s easy! You simply have to want it.

I’ve never met anyone who I’d judge incapable of doing those
things that top performers do. I have, however, met many people who
are unwilling to make the commitment to do it.

Remember what my brother’s coach said: perfect practice makes perfect.
Start perfecting your practice today, and by this time next year,
I promise you’ll be closer than ever to hitting your goals, and achieving
everything you want to accomplish.

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