Making Money Monday: Letting go and moving on

Unresolved issues with a customer can grow into a big problem, causing friction and sapping your time. Your professional reputation is at stake! Forgive and move on. Mastering this skill will make a world of difference in the way you sell.

Have a direct conversation with that customer. Take responsibility for what’s been unresolved and ask them for suggestions on how to improve communication.

Learn from the experience. Commit to specific actions that will help you avoid repeating your mistake. If possible, share these actions with a colleague, partner or customer, and seek their approval before implementing them.

Create a powerful goal that puts the past behind you. Set a goal of (for example) finding two new customers to make up for the loss of one sale. Letting go and moving on produces results, because in sales, nothing is more important than remembering to acknowledge people’s emotions and actions.

Committed to making 2012 your best year yet!





One response to “Making Money Monday: Letting go and moving on

  1. That is true. As an author and business man, I can relate to how you said, “Take responsibility for what’s been unresolved and ask them for suggestions on how to improve communication.”. I hope more people discover your blog because you really know what you’re talking about. Can’t wait to read more from you!

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