Make Your CRM Irresistible

Picture this: a dashboard so irresistible your team camps out in the CRM like it’s their new home. Yes, it’s possible, and here’s how we do it…

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So I’ve really been encouraged recently about the work that I’m seeing my clients do on creating dashboards and CRM best practices for their team.
And one really smart Sales VP who I was working with said, you know, Colleen, we’re creating this dashboard so that the sales reps feel compelled to live in it.
And I just loved this.
Meaning it’s always going to be on their screen because we know that what gets measured, what gets viewed, gets improved.
And if the rep isn’t looking at their metrics on a real time basis, it’s easy to ignore them.
And so not only are they creating the right reports, but they’re creating access to the tools that they need – the training, the ROI calculators, the marketing material, the leads lists, the webinars, everything that sales rep needs in order to execute correctly on their sales process is in the dashboard they’re creating.
So they have to go there to get the tools to be successful.
When you do that, the sales rep has to live inside their CRM.
You force them to live inside their dashboards, which puts their results front and center.
They can’t ignore them.
And as a result, they’ll pay attention to them and consciously and subconsciously make decisions to improve them.
And that is one way you can drive growth every single day.

Don’t forget to check out: Don’t Go Home Until You Do This”!

2 responses to “Make Your CRM Irresistible

  1. Hi Colleen,

    Sometimes I don’t know what the terms you use mean. I’ve never heard of CRM, and a dashboard is something in my car.

    I’ve been an independent sales rep since 1976, and work the old fashioned way-mostly face to face.

  2. I agreed with John Berger, I do not know what CMR is and I have been in the business for 25 years.
    I think you should put it in the parenthesis so that we all know.
    Thank you.
    Fawn Griffin

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