Make the Profitable Choice

Following up from last weeks post on whether you HAVE to sell the way your prospect wants to buy… I believe you always have a choice.

You choose who to sell to

You chose how to sell

You chose what to sell

If you are unhappy with your client base, find a more profitable group to sell to.  For every market that is “cheap” there is another that invests in value. For every market group trying to “commoditize” you. There is another that values your relationship. Your job is to find the right target market that fits your business goals.

It is possible. You don’t have to take any prospect that comes your way. Take a lesson from our private coaching client Doreen. She has developed a “perfect client checklist” that each prospect MUST complete before she takes the time to write a proposal and present a solution for them. Doreen is wisely making sure that the prospect is a good fit for her before she invests time in trying to win them.  In essence she is qualifying them as a buyer as much as they are qualifying her as a supplier. Smart strategy.

Remember that the qualification process in sales must be equally focused on qualifying a prospect into the funnel as it is qualifying a prospect out of the process!

If you were to create a perfect client questionnaire what questions would you ask your prospect to complete?

Dedicated to increasing your sales,


2 responses to “Make the Profitable Choice

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