Lessons Learn from the Top

At the Marketing super-conference I attended last week 3 speakers stood out: Gene Simmons, George Ross (from the Apprentice and Donald Trump’s Lawyer) and Nido Qubein. One thing all these sustained multi-millionaires have in common is their mind set. Simply put they don’t believe they have any limits on what they can achieve or what they earn. They also believe that nothing is stopping them from getting what they want. everything they want is within their power to achieve. As a result, they work hard to achieve it.

Note that they are not just “thinking about” what they want. Their success is not simply manifested through their thoughts, as The Secret might have you believe. Instead, they make a firm decision about what they want to achieve, develop a measurable goal, and work hard- everyday – towards achieving their success. Incidentally working hard is another trait all three speakers have in common.

I believe in behavioural congruence. If they can do it, I can do it and you can do it too…simply by replicating their behaviours. This week, get clear on what you want to achieve. Take off that artificial cap you have place on your earning potential. develop a plan to archive your great success and work hard everyday to ensure that success.

Dedicated to increasing your sales,
