Keep Track of What’s Working

As you almost certainly, in some format, have adjusted your day-to-day schedules and routines, be sure to keep track of what’s working.

That is, as you develop new habits, ways of thinking, routines, standards, and methods to continue as best as possible to deliver your value and services to your clients, don’t simply treat them as “temporary fixes.”

You’ve likely heard at least one of numerous quotes relaying the idea that even in negative events and circumstances that there is an opportunity for positive learning and growth.

And, this is the time to truly heed that advice.

As you and your sales team try new things, explore unfamiliar avenues, communicate differently, and adjust your processes, take note of the results and how they can be applied to the “business as usual” world.

For example, let’s say a member of your team created a video tutorial to help explain a process or clarify a method for one of your clients simply because they didn’t get a chance to meet in person last month, didn’t want to outline convoluted steps in an email and couldn’t fit the client into their schedule for a Zoom meeting. And, the client expressed their appreciation and gratitude for this tutorial.

Perhaps this is an opportunity when life returns to normal to:

  • Make video tutorials a part of your standard processes.
  • Use video tutorials as part of your marketing collateral.
  • Add video tutorials to your onboarding systems.
  • Replace some or all in-person meetings with video tutorials to save on travel expenses and time.

The list could go on and could have a virtually endless amount of new applications, but the important thing here is to not use this great new potential client tool solely as a COVID-19 response method to be discarded after business returns to normal.

Alternatively, you may find that there are certain processes in your business that you cannot properly replicate without physical contact which your organization has previously taken for granted. This may be a good time to realize that a particular process or service that previously flew under the radar is actually an extremely valuable and irreplaceable resource that your business needs to invest more in.

Regardless, the overarching lesson here remains the same.

Take this “adjustment period” and this “business as unusual” time in our society to get clear on what could make you more profitable now and in the future.

You may find new processes that are incredibly useful to add to “business as usual” once we inevitably get back to it!

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