How to Get Your Call Returned

Tired of your voicemails being ignored, then this video is for you. Learn a simple yet effective technique to dramatically boost the number of return calls from prospects.

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As sellers when you are managing opportunities, we leave a lot of voicemails.
And I’m sure you’re frustrated, as many of my clients are, that their voicemails don’t get returned.
Here’s one way to leave a voicemail that will increase, dramatically increase, the number of return calls you get with an opportunity that you’re working on, that you’re in progress with.
So this is not for a cold call.
This is for an opportunity that you’re progressing through your sales cycle.
Now at the end of a meeting that you have with the customer or a phone call, you always carve out the next step, right? So you’re asking when you’re going to talk again or what the next step is going to be, or when you’ll meet again.
And if you then call the customer at that time that you promised to call, or that you set up a meeting and they’re not there, that’s when the voicemail has to be kicked in.
And here’s the easiest way to leave this voicemail.
You just simply say, hey, Colleen, it’s Chris from ABC Comedy Calling because I promised to reach you today about …
I’m sorry I missed you.
Notice I take full responsibility there.
You can reach me at…
Then leave your phone number…and I’ll try you again on and leave a date at a time.
And then if you have to call again, if they don’t call you back, you can say, hey, I’m calling because I promised to reach you today at ten.
I’m sorry I missed you.
A very short email can follow this just again, sorry I missed you, as the subject line, and a quick two sentence email that will then follow that voicemail, which will help to improve the likelihood that you get either a return email or a return voicemail.
Keep it short in the email and you will increase the response rate.

Don’t forget to check out: Responding to a Sales Heckle!

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