How to Get Better Referrals

Referrals don’t work.

That’s what a client of mine recently told me.

It turns out they’d ask for referrals all the time in the past, but they’d receive people that my client didn’t want to work with, or weren’t the right fit, or didn’t have enough money, or…the list went on.

So, they gave up and came to the conclusion that referrals just weren’t worth the time.

After asking them a few questions, I came to the conclusion (within about 60 seconds) that it wasn’t that referrals weren’t working, it was that the company’s approach towards asking for them was wrong.

Don’t make this same mistake. Here are two important steps you need to take to receive better quality referrals:

1. Like Attracts Like

People hang out with people like themselves. This is true both personally and in the professional world. If you’re going to ask your worst customers for a referral, expect to get those same kinds of individuals. If a client is always late in paying you, they’re likely not a great candidate to send the right people your way. Only approach clients that you want more of for referrals so you can increase your chances of receiving the same level and quality of people.

2. Be Specific

If there is a specific individual within an organization that you want to speak to – ask for that individual. If you approach asking a customer for a referral with vague, wishy-washy details, you’re going to get vague and wishy-washy results. Your clients aren’t mind readers, nor do they know your business as well as you do. Do the leg-work for your customers and be as specific as possible so that you’re getting introduced to strategic connections rather than any ol’ Joe Blow.

[bctt tweet=”Like anything else in this world, being successful with asking for referrals requires strategy and effort.” username=”EngageColleen”]

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