Great Reading from HBR

I just read a posting on Harvard Business review – Just Got Promoted? Network! Network! Network!  Posted by William C. Byham – that is relevant to sales people. Although its about how to network after or just before you get a new job or promotion, the concepts are 100% transferable to sales.

Entering a new Territory? Network.
Launching a new product? Network.
New to sales? Network.
Want more clients? Network.

You get the idea.

This is a great piece….here is a snippet….

Most people aren’t naturally networks. But if you’ve just been promoted or are about to move into a new job, it’s imperative that you start talking to lots of people and make connections right away, so you can acquire crucial information about your new job and succeed early. If you don’t, you might lack the facts you need for a proposal, for example, or you might bring up an idea you think is neat but has failed in the past.

I suggest you read it an apply the concepts ASAP. Of course….only if you want to sell more in less time this year!
