Great Article from Mike Staver – Leadership Expert

I saw this article from my friend and leadership expert Mike Staver and loved it. I hope you do to!

Do you need to lose weight?

The number one New Years resolution is about losing weight. I was on a cruise recently and made the mistake of having a toxicity evaluation. They measured my body fat, metabolic rate, lean body mass, etc. Why I would do that on a cruise is beyond me. But what I found interesting was the amount of time they spent explaining how the body stores toxins and how the cumulative effect of the stuff we put in our bodies AND minds affects us. So my question to you is: do YOU need to lose weight?

I am not pretending to be some nutritionist attempting to get on the multi billion dollar diet industry. In fact, I really don’t care that much about your physical weight. I am most concerned about the metaphorical weight you need to lose.

What weight are you carrying around that you need to lose? Where is the personal or professional toxicity in your world? Perhaps this would be a good time to evaluate what you are carrying and cleanse yourself of it.

All of us carry our share of “toxins.” There is no way to rid ourselves of all toxicity but we can eliminate a significant amount. The destructive effect of carrying weight that is non-productive is significant. If you are like most people there is something to let go of. Maybe it is a relationship that is dragging you down. Maybe you are holding on to emotions like guilt or anger that rob you of the light heartedness or energy that you need to be effective. Maybe you are in a job or career that you know is dead.

Here are some ways to cleanse yourself of the toxins and weight you carry.

1. Evaluate the professional and personal areas of your life for those things that create drag or sluggishness.
2.Spend time alone thinking about how you want your personal and professional life to look.
3. Choose one area and make a decision to shed that weight and toxicity.
4. Evaluate unintended consequences.
5. Replenish the gap with those activities and thoughts that produce energy.


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