Don’t Leave This At the Office

Laptop – check. Latest financial report – check. Product overview – check. Wait – there is one thing you need to bring to the client meeting…

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A lot of sellers I work with will resist taking their managers with them on sales call because they say they don’t need the help.
And I like to remind them that this is not a remedial exercise.
You are a top pro, you are a top performer, and you need to take your manager with you because it’s going to help you sell more in less time.
You know, taking leadership with you isn’t a luxury.
Your customers love it.
They feel well loved by you.
They feel that you think that they’re more important because you’re bringing more people out.
And even better when we bring more of our leaders – or it could be specialists inside your organization – they return the favor by inviting more of their colleagues.
And in doing so, you end up with a very well rounded conversation where you uncover the needs and the wants and the values that are important to a broad range of people in the organization.
And that is going to help you improve every metric in your sales velocity calculation.
It will improve the number of opportunities with that customer, the value of those opportunities, will speed up the time it takes to close and will improve the closing ratio.
And that is how you create a nonstop sales boom.

Don’t forget to check out: Maybe It’s You!

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