Don’t Believe Me – Believe Your Peers!

One of the biggest challenges we all face as sales and business professionals is sifting through the ongoing stream of advice we get from friends, peers and experts. Not only is it a challenge to prioritize what to do – often it’s difficult to know if the advice is any good!

As you all know, I’m a huge believer of social proof because it is the single biggest factor in establishing credibility. That’s why in our upcoming Enter the VORTEX webinar, I’m going to let members of the Engage community prove to you that you must implement my strategy for creating and leveraging a customer community. In fact, you’ll hear how one business owner generated over $1 Million from this VORTEX strategy!

Heard enough already? Click here to register instantly:
Wednesday, June 22nd at 12 Noon (Eastern).

All too often I see sales professionals work hard, land the deal and then move on to the next prospect. Don’t get me wrong – I’m all for the energetic pursuit of new business. The problem happens when we forget about our existing clients. And in doing so, we miss one of the most important opportunities to generate results.

Why? Simply put, it is faster and easier to sell to existing clients than new prospects. That means that you will close up and cross sell deals faster – many times faster – than new opportunities in your pipeline. And that means you can spend less time and effort to meet your sales goals.

If you’re ready to create your own VORTEX and benefit from fast sales cycles and bigger deals by leveraging a community of clients, join us for my NEW, FREE 60-minute Webinar: “Enter the VORTEX: Your Million Dollar Strategy!” on Wednesday, June 22nd at 12pm Eastern. If you can’t make that time, sign up and get instant access to the replay…

Discover the specific steps to create your own VORTEX and reap the rewards: sign up right now.


Dedicated to increasing your sales,

Colleen Francis

P.S. Remember – you’ll hear directly from members of our community who have implemented this strategy – and reaped the rewards! Sign up instantly here:

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