Don’t Be Passive with Testimonials!

Home fitness is all the craze these days. You know, those big, bulky machines that supposedly deliver amazing results or those 90 day programs that make you fit and healthy?

Don’t worry, I’m not about to bash anything that can increase your fitness, health and overall well-being.

The fitness machines and programs are not my issue. In fact, if you eat right, work hard and stay committed, you will get into great shape.

My issue is with the people who buy these machines/programs, and then leave them to collect dust. You can have greatest fitness program or gym pass in the world, but if you don’t use it, the results won’t come.

When it comes to collecting testimonials, the same principles apply. Just hoping your clients will stop what they’re doing during their busy day and write you a testimonial is, at best, extremely passive.

Instead, developing a process for regularly collecting feedback provides a systematic way to gather testimonials. Such a process would include:

1) Build Requests Into Your Process

A simple fact is that the more people you ask for testimonials, the more you will receive. And, the easiest way to do that is to ask each and every one of your customers. You’ll want to think about the appropriate time frame for them to have experienced the product to ensure that they can talk about their results – the key to an effective testimonial.

2) Ask Again

Many clients we work with assume that customers don’t respond to testimonial requests because they aren’t happy. More often than not, it is because they are simply very busy and don’t always have time to provide the feedback being requested.

So, if a customer doesn’t respond to the testimonial request, don’t hesitate to ask again…and again! I’m not suggesting that you unleash a torrent of requests, but periodically asking for that feedback will help the customer by providing opportunities to respond when it is a more suitable time for them.

3) Reach Out In Person

So far, we’ve been speaking about online testimonial collection. This is not your only option.

If you have a chance to see your customers in person, there is no better way of getting feedback. Simply put, it’s much harder to say no to someone who stands in front of you and directly asks for a testimonial. And, if you have your handy smartphone on you, it’s a perfect chance to capture video.

If you don’t see your customers in person, why not pick up the phone? Especially for those customers you know have had great results, a quick phone call can capture the information for a great testimonial. They key here is to make it easy: ask questions that would form the basis of a testimonial, write it up on the customer’s behalf and send it to them for their quick approval.

So, next time you look at your feedback form and wonder why you’re not getting the results you want – take a look at these three strategies.

[bctt tweet=”Given the power of testimonials to increase conversion rates, you can’t afford not to be implementing them. ” username=”EngageColleen”]

Whether you are looking to enter a new market or trying to figure out why you aren’t getting the results you think you should, the first element to review is your sales strategy. Let me help you.

3 responses to “Don’t Be Passive with Testimonials!

  1. […] Don’t Be Passive with Testimonials! – The least used tool in the seller’s toolbox. […]

  2. The easy way to get testimonials that sing your praises and have the power to motivate to action requires hard upfront work.

    I read about this technique in Tom Hopkins classic How to Master the Art of Selling. As you pointed out in the article Colleen people often don’t get around to writing references even when they are pleased. So, what’s a guy or gal ta do?

    First, you need a client that you have taken such good care of that they have almost come to believe you have advanced psychic, mind reading abilities because before they can even think to call you or just as they are about to call you, you call them. A client who is as happy as they can be and who has probably told you so.

    Once you have that all out of the way you are ready for step two. Meet with them preferably and after concluding your business say to them, “John after I have worked with a client as I have with you and they have been kind enough to say such nice things as you have said I like to ask them if they would be willing to write a reference for me that talks about what I have done and how happy they are with my service, would you be willing to do so. ”

    To which they will answer  “Of course not a problem.”

    At which point you then say, Great, thank you, I figured you wouldn’t mind but I never assume anything is for sure. However, what I did do, feeling pretty sure and based on the conversations we had before is I wrote up a rough draft letter making sure not to exaggerate that I thought you might like and would save you the time and trouble of composing one yourself.

    And what I would like to do is to show it to, see if it meets with your approval and if so, since I am here you could have your secretary – I have the draft here on a USB stick – could print the copy on your 3 or 4 pieces of your letterhead  and you could sign them and it would be a done deal! Would that be okay with you?

    I have never had anyone refuse me, neither will you most likely. Like so much of what we do it boils down to our people living us and trusting us and wanting to help us because we sincerely did and do care about them.


    The above is not copied out of Tom Hopkins book but was my distillation.

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