Don’t be a Whiner

Feeling the cold shoulder from your boss? This video shows how to shift gears from whining to winning by presenting solutions instead of problems.

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I’m coaching a sales leader right now who has become a problem child to his boss.
And I’ve noticed that his boss is stopping returning his texts.
He’s not returning the emails.
He’s canceling meetings.
And I know what the problem is.
And it’s because this sales leader has been dubbed a whiner.
Now, you might be a seller or a leader or a director or VP.
It doesn’t matter.
This message is for all of us.
The problem is that this sales leader only goes to their boss with problems problem problem, problem complaint, complaint, complaint.
They never show up with solutions.
And so it’s a constant meeting, constant conversation, a constant email, a constant text barrage of all the things that are wrong with no solutions to try to prevent it.
I’m telling you, nothing will tick your manager off, your leader, your CEO, your owner off more than if you are only focused on problems and not focused on solutions.
So the next time you sit down with a leader or send an email and you’re about to outline some issues, some challenges, concerns or problems that you have or that could be very real on your team, make sure you think about what solutions you want to implement and share those as well.
Don’t get dubbed a whiner.

Don’t forget to check out: Prep for a New Opportunity!

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