Communicating with Decision Makers

Blue contact button Would you like to speak to more decision makers and close more deals in 2014?

You can do so simply by rethinking how you attempt to connect with the decision makers.

Most salespeople will generally only reach out via telephone or email, and will give up if they hear nothing back, this is a grave mistake! <– Click To Tweet

In our own studies, we find that the majority of sales deals are lost simply because the salesperson gives up far earlier than they should. Many salespeople decide that they are being proactive by following up once or twice, but the truth is, follow-ups should be part of the standard procedure when reaching out to clients. It is a mistake to believe that you are going above and beyond just because you have called the prospect to follow up.

Consider using a mix of the following modes of communication to optimize your chances of hearing back from the client and winning the sale:

1. Write a Note

The note will seem more genuine if you write it by hand. Thank the prospect for their time, and remember to send the note immediately after your meeting with them or right after you have submitted a proposal.

2. Pick Up The Phone

Many salespeople are terrified of making a phone call! As mentioned earlier, a follow-up should be part of the standard procedure when engaging with a new client. If the client is unavailable, leave them a voicemail.

3. Send an Email

Sending the prospect an email is especially important if you were unable to speak with the client directly over the phone and had to leave a voicemail. Being punctual is vital, don’t wait until the next day or a week later to send out an email to the prospect. If you leave a voicemail, send an email out within an hour. Let the client know that you attempted to reach them over the phone and left them a voicemail, also indicate when you will call them next.

4. Connect on Social Media

Don’t forget about the power of social, be sure to connect with your prospect on social media! A friend and connection request on Facebook and LinkedIn or a follow notification on Twitter will keep you fresh in the mind of the client and will provide further avenues for communication between the two of you.

5. Pick Up The Phone (Again)

If you previously left a voicemail with the prospect and sent an email out, be sure to follow through with a call back at the time that you indicated. There’s nothing worse than having a client expecting a call from you only to have you disregard your follow-up.

When communication isn’t flowing between you and the prospect, it’s easy to get frustrated and give up on the client entirely. However, when you acknowledge more than just the phone and email as ways to connect, you open up doors for more communication with decision makers. The more you’re able to keep a steady flow of contact with the prospect, the more you increase your chances of closing the deal.

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