I received a ridiculous direct mail flyer last week from Global Knowledge encouraging me to take advantage of their summer specials. Perhaps they thought I was in Australia? I noticed the letter was not dated leading me to believe their marketing department was either too lazy to make the changes to an old piece or too stupid to realize it was not summer. Perhaps they thought I wouldn’t notice…as I prepared to head out for the Thanksgiving weekend. UGH!
Seems as though my story in Honesty Sells on the free meat delivery has hit a nerve. I had a number of people across the country stating they received the same voice recording. Note to vendors…if you are going to use voice broadcast, and it does have its merits, make sure it goes straight to voice mail and does not try to “talk to a real person. That is very annoying!
Can you believe that Fedex Kinkos, a company that proclaims to be an international courier company will not allow you to place a $200 print order on line with a Canadian credit card. It’s true. What’s worse, they don’t tell you upfront that the service is for American address only. So, you go through the whole process of uploading your files and customizing the, getting a quotes and setting the delivery options only to be told after you enter your shipping address that your credit card is not valid. UGH! Next time I am using Brad Wilson and Post Net in Toronto.
Chris was recently working to upgrade our systems as you know and he had to make a call to Paypal.com. We were hoping to continue to use Paypal.com for our online purchases until we discovered a problem with them accepting American Express. We tested the service with our own personal cards to discover pay pal would not accept the cards. A call to Paypal.com ensued in a conversation where they told Chris repeatedly it was working, and Chris showed them evidence that it didn’t. They were unmoved by his proof. In desperation Chris exclaimed “I just get the sense that you don’t care about this problem” to which the customer care rep answered “Well maybe we don’t”. Chris hung up dumbfounded and we switched our service to authorize.net. Trust me….I couldn’t make this stuff up if I tried.
Work to attract prospects not repell then and you will make more sales!