The Return on Corporate Generosity
In this three-part series on generosity in sales, I’ve talked about how this must-do work is a three-part journey. First, there’s what you need to do to be generous at …
The Measures that Matter
In part one of this series, I explained the difference between signaling metrics and performance metrics. The former just tells us stories. The latter reports facts. The key distinction between …
Measure What Matters
It’s both a blessing and a curse to be living in an age of unlimited data. While we can now track it with laser-like precision on an incredibly wide array …
Sellers Dilemma: It's Not What You Think
You’ve seen—or even struggled with—this sales problem before: to close more deals today, you have to keep your head down and focus on the pipeline. But to close more deals …
Why Sales People Lie to their Clients
It’s said we are living in a post-truth world. While politicians today may be the single most untrusted profession, sales people are not far behind. Ask most people to describe …
In Praise of Micromanagers
There’s no mistake in that headline: micromanaging is good. Really, good. In fact, it’s essential to success in sales. To understand why, let’s start with a story. A client of …
Your Online Reputation is Everything – Don’t Blow It
While this might seem obvious to you, recent events have compelled me to remind everyone in our community that in sales, your reputation is your most profitable asset. Yes, people …
Put Your Summer Slump Back to Work
Recently, while coaching two CEO’s on how to rebuild the sales culture within their companies, they told me they wanted to put our work on hold for the summer. When …
Your Price Is Too High! Five Tips for Handling the Most Common Sales Objection
"Your price is too high!" If you’ve been involved in sales for more than a week and a half, odds are, you’ve probably come across those particular five words at …
Snap Out of It! 13 Tips for Breaking out of a Slump
Sales people who have a poor start at the beginning of a year, often find themselves struggling for the rest of the year to catch up. The good news is, …
Having Too Many Choices Can Cost You Plenty
Smart companies today measure their lead acquisition cost, their marketing costs and their sales cost. But what about the overall cost to serve your customer? That often gets overlooked. And …
Close 12 Times More Sales than Your Competition
Technology in sales is not a solution to a problem. It’s a means of solving a problem, and it hinges critically on how well you apply it as one part …