Sales Advice You Need to Ignore Today

Selling has changed. Markets have changed. Buyers have changed. Therefore, advice to sellers must change. Sadly, too many training programs have been slow to adapt, and are still teaching skills from "days of yore." Here are the top 5 unprofitable skills that are still floating around:

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Create Winning Conditions for Video Meetings

Create Winning Conditions for Video Meetings

Recently, I explained that video is the new default in how we connect and do business with others now. It’s been a huge, rapid shift. A recent LinkedIn State of Sales report tells us that more than three-quarters of businesses today are holding video meetings far more than before.

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Get Back on Balance Now

Get Back on Balance Now

After months of global pandemic responses, including economic shutdowns, everyone has been thrown off balance. The hurt will be here for a while, and as I’ve pointed out in a recent article, resiliency is what you must summon now—not later—to position yourself for the coming recovery.

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Bouncing Forward: Summon Resiliency in Sales

Bouncing Forward: Summon Resiliency in Sales

Recently, I interviewed my good friend, Richard Citrin, author of Strategy-Driven Leadership and The Resilience Advantage. We talked about how resiliency—what he describes as the ability to “bounce forward”—is a hardwired resource in all of us. But you must summon it to make it work!

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When Crisis Hits: Keep Moving

When Crisis Hits: Keep Moving

Today's global pandemic is an extraordinary public health crisis. As we get past the immediate challenge of doing what's necessary and wise to stay well and safe, the next big question is: "What must I do to keep going professionally?" Answer that by looking at the best practices of top sales leaders. The wisdom there is timeless. It applies to every tough situation—including this one. 

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How to Dig Yourself Out of a Hole | Sales Strategies

We're a couple of months into the year and maybe you're behind. Maybe January and February didn't start out as strongly as you would like. It's not the end of the world. In fact, being behind the first quarter of the year is probably the best time to be behind. However, more importantly, you have to do something about it.

Green Circle Growth: Get Serious About Quarterly Reviews

Green Circle Growth: Get Serious About Quarterly Reviews

Quarterly business reviews are essential for understanding potential growth with existing customers, retention issues and future opportunities. They are just as crucial for troubleshooting where sales performance isn’t meeting expectations, as well as for measuring the return on investment your client is receiving for the work you do together. Get serious about doing this analysis.

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