The Weakest Part of the Sales Cycle | Sales Strategies
Today, we’re going to focus on closing. This is the most often missed part of the sales cycle and it’s critical that you ask for the sale to close.
My Week with Top Performers
I spent the week with two teams of top performing sales professionals this week. Although I suspect that some of them will fall out of that position before too long. Here are my observations:
An Ode to Sales From St Valentine
In honour of Valentine’s Day. They key to lasting sales success is: Love what you sell. Love who you sell it to. Love who you sell it with. Love who …
Set Your Own Minimum Profit per Client
Supermodel Linda Evangelista famously said that she would “not roll out of bed in the morning for less than ten thousand dollars.” It was a smart business move on her …
Top 10 Insights From Our Best Sales Leaders
I just wrapped up our annual Sales Leader Mastermind Event in Toronto. Here are the top 10 insights. Buyers don’t always know how to buy. You have to show them …
8 Steps to 8 Figures
Lead chief strategist for my Digital Empire Creation and dear friend Chad Barr and I had some fun last week brainstorming 8 steps small business owners, solo consultants, speakers, authors and trainers could take to make 8 figures. In order to live large, you must think large!
Sales Quote of the Week
Experts Sell Sales people repel
Quote of Day
Quote of Day
Making Money Monday: Grow!
As a sales professional, did you start out in your business with a “how high can I go?” question and an “opportunities for my expertise are endless” attitude? Most of us did, but where is that attitude now? Has it been replaced with the “sky is falling!” cry as you face the grim reality of all the “other” tasks we need to accomplish in order to run a successful business? While many think that this more cynical outlook is a realistic attempt to balance over the top goals with the day to day operations of our businesses, I’m not so sure it is helpful to our growth.
Business and Life Observations from Shanghai
It’s always interesting to observe how other countries operate when I am traveling on business. Shanghai has been eye opening! Here are a few noteworthy items from the last 24 …
Making Money Monday: The Show Must Go On!
My best clients thrive in adversity. They adapt. They don’t judge an idea on the surface, they try it out, test it, measure the results, and then decide if it works, or not. They are successful because they change and they try new things.