Build A Sales Team Your Customers Love To Buy From

When customers enjoy working with you, you improve your chances of
making a sale. Here are seven skills CEOs and business owners should
insist on developing in their sales teams to create a more positive
customer experience:

1. Show empathy and compassion
You have to care about your customer (no matter how good an actor
you are, faking it won’t work). Ask questions, take notes and lean
in to show that you’re engaged.

2. Make eye contact
Eye contact lets people know you’re interested in their well being.
Make eye contact when you walk into a room full of strangers, and
especially after you get to know people – it helps cement existing
relationships. So few salespeople ever look their prospects directly
in the eye. By simply smiling and making eye contact, you can set
yourself apart.

3. Give first
Don’t expect prospects to give you their business without you giving
them something first. This doesn’t mean that you should give away
free product in the hopes they will buy more. Rather, look to give
away things that increase your value. Perhaps they need a referral
to a partner; perhaps you can solve their business problem by sharing
an idea you heard from someone else.

4. Express your true intent
Tell customers upfront: "I don’t know if there’s a fit between
what you need and what I have right now, but I’m hoping we can explore
that in more detail during this meeting. Then we can mutually decide
if there is a reason to move forward." This advice runs counter
to 90% of the approaches used in the field today, but you’ll be
pleasantly surprised by the response you get.

5. Don’t rush the client
All too often, salespeople jump way ahead of their prospect’s buying
curve. When the sales person is trying to close while the prospect
is still evaluating options or determining risk, trust is broken,
the prospect feels pushed and the sale can disappear. Get approval
from the customer to move ahead in increasing increments. The first
approval might be just to agree to speak openly with each other,
as outlined above. The second could be an agreement on a follow-up
call or meeting date. The third might be gaining agreement on the
decision-making criteria, then a commitment to have the "big
boss" present at the demo, followed by an agreement to a purchase
decision date.

6. Be colloquial
When you use simple language, people respond better and trust you
more. Never try to impress prospects with your extensive vocabulary
– you may end up just sounding fake.

7. Use people’s names – in good measure
There are just two rules to follow. First, be aware of whether your
client is most comfortable with first name only or title plus last
name. Second, never overuse their name – this only sounds corny
and false. Although Dale Carnegie said, "nothing is so beautiful
to a person as the sound of their own name," you have to use
your discretion.

By Colleen Francis,,
November 13, 2003

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