Boost Your Sales Team’s Productivity

You can discuss sales strategies, ideas, tips and methods to no end. You can set sales targets for your team to hit, implement a promising new strategy and motivate your sales reps with morning huddles. But, when the day starts, it’s up to your team to do the work and create the results. Salespeople don’t always struggle due to weak strategy, at times poor productivity habits will seriously hinder their progress as well.

Let’s cut to the chase. The best way for your team to achieve true productivity in their work day is to ask them to cut off all inbound access. Now, before your jaw drops too low, let me clarify that you should only ask that they do so temporarily, ideally an hour or two each day.

Consider asking them to turn their phone to silent or completely turning it off. They will also benefit from logging out of their email inbox while they work through important tasks. When your team is focusing on outbound business development prospecting, they should not have to deal with distracting, time-consuming tasks which take the focus out of their work day. It’s great to be able to multitask, but your team will always be able to accomplish more by laser focusing on the task at hand.

Want a perfect example of how this simple tweak in productivity can benefit your team?

A few years ago I was called upon by one of my clients to help solve a situation. The company’s sales were stagnant. They were stuck at $40 million annually and had not seen an increase in revenue in several years.

I was brought in to help solve the problem, and to my surprise, the sales team was actually very highly skilled and motivated. They simply were not selling.

What we mandated was four hours minimum on the phone every day. During this time block, they called prospects and worked on business development. We also suggested the entire team shut off their email and personal phones while doing so.

The results were staggering. The company witnessed a jump in sales from $40 million to $65 million in just one year!

The sales tactics, resources, and products stayed exactly the same. The only implementation was a focus in productivity and the business was able to reap huge benefits as a result.

Remember, it is important to stay focused on the task at hand. Fast-paced work environments require dedication, focus, and little to no distractions.

Give your team the luxury of dedicated time for business development, and they will deliver the results that you’re looking for. ← Click To Tweet

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