Are You Tempted?

In sales, it’s never too early or too late to implement a new idea that will send your results soaring. So now is a great time to go through your notes from last year’s Sales Conference, review an article from this e-newsletter, or a Lead-Up! coaching lesson or session and implement something new this month.Our Youngest Client! (not exactly as shown)

Because you have taken the time to invest in yourself in our coaching programs I trust that you are not making excuses, even though I know the temptations are great. Temptation to retreat to the old and familiar ways of doing things. Temptation to give in to pressure or criticism by those around you rich with opinions but poor in knowledge. Temptation to give up after one miss-fire. Temptation to avoid standing out, or drawing attention to yourself.

The temptations are plentiful. You have my promise that everything I present in these newsletters and in our coaching programs is proven beyond any shadow of doubt, by thousands of sales professionals in hundreds of different product and service and categories. From software sales to lumber yards, to lawyers to retail stores, to the staffing industry, to landscape companies, home sitters, hotel sales and paint manufacturers there are abundant numbers of sales professionals using my sales ideas and who have taught themselves to grow and maintain a profitable customer base.

It’s never too late or too early to implement a new idea. Just take a look at Platinum Member Sam Brown’s new baby Grey. At 4 weeks old he’s already watching the latest Engage Webinar with his mom Sam – and doesn’t he look like he is soaking it all in? This has gotta be a sign that he will be at least as successful at his business as Sam is at hers! I have noticed that implementation is a major difference between the successful and unsuccessful (and the rich and the poor for that matter).

So implement now. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

P. S. Did you miss this summer’s Catch the Sales Wave Web Class Series! Great news – I’m doing it again! This live, no-cost web class series will arm you with sales strategies that work in today’s tough market and will position you for the economic recovery (yep – I said it!). To read more, click here!

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