I hope its you! Because whoever has their attention right now, wins. This week I learned that our clients are besieged with over 8000 marketing messages per day. If yours are not extraordinary they will soon be forgotten. Email and voice mail are not enough anymore, you must utilize various media sources, including the fax and hard copy to send your messages and stay in touch. Getting through the clutter requires a dedicated follow up system that is fail proof. IE – your messages go out whether you are sick in bed, on an airplane or in the office. Consistency is one way to be sure to get through the clutter in your customer’s head.
Out of sight, out of mind. Consistent and frequent communication is required for all your customers and prospects if you want to build loyal profitable fans.
One of the best ways to maintain top of mind awareness is to send out a monthly printed newsletter to prospects, clients and anyone else you want to stay in touch with.
Jim Klein
I just saw this posting from the marketing Genius Dan Kennedy, It’s at:
“The newsletter is, I think, the most useful tool in maintaining relationships with customers and keeping them interested in you, your business, your products and services. Since “publications” get better readership than “sales materials”; articles get more readership than ads, it simply makes sense to put your messages into the format of a publication, and into the context of articles.
Sadly, many marketers are terribly lazy about this, and can never get their act together, to put out a good, interesting newsletter every month.
Content Tips
Information/education directly linked to your products
and services
Information/education linked to the customer-type (egs.
homeowner; CEO; parent)
Customer recognition and appreciation
Promotion of new/selected products, services
Stimulate referrals”
Great ideas every sales person can implement! – Colleen
Youre a real deep thinker. Tkhans for sharing.