Are you Falling in the Sales Trap?

I’ve always wanted to see our name up in lights, and this month it happened! As a perfect coincide, I ended up speaking for a client whose conference theme was Engage!

Of course, I love that theme – it conveys the energy and enthusiasm we have to apply to our business to be successful. However, of late I have seen a behavior that despite being engaged can be a pitfall for sales leaders and professionals.

I call it the sales trap.

Have you ever worked hard to close opportunities and then, after you’ve finally inked the deals, you realize that your pipeline is dangerously empty? This is that trap – we work hard on one part of our pipeline and other parts suffer.

Luckily, there are some strategies that we can implement to diagnose the problem and or avoid the trap altogether. Make sure to read this week’s article and take the quiz so you don’t fall into the trap – or if you’re in it, get out!

Dedicated to increasing your sales,

Colleen Francis
P.S. For more sales strategies, make sure to subscribe to my new Podcast series, The Sales Leader, on our iTunes channel and blog!

P.S.S. Vote For Me! I’m proud to have been nominated for the Top5 Speaker Awards from in the “Sales / Marketing / Customer Service” category. I’d be honoured if you’d consider voting for me at:

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