Afraid to Look in the Mirror?

“What got you here won’t get you there.” Sound familiar? But sales teams often hit a wall because they’re too emotionally invested in old strategies. Here’s how to successfully shake up your team and make the changes you need. Hint: you’ll need to look hard in the mirror…

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Recently, I bumped into a sales challenge helping an organization grow.
And that’s because there are too many people who are resistant to change.
And I am witnessing it’s because they’re taking it too personally and it’s become emotionally charged.
We have to get rid of that emotion and that personalization.
And remember, what got us here won’t necessarily get us there.
Let’s look at this objectively.
And the first thing we should do is just look at the data.
The cold, hard facts.
Are things trending up or are they flat or are they down? And why is that? What are we doing today that’s not having the same result as previous? A former client of mine once couldn’t figure out why their business was slowing down.
Their closing rates were slowing down.
And when we looked at it, it’s because we realized that their approaches were not working as well as they should have.
They had gone from a 1 in 10 hit rate on their emails to a 1 in 65, and they hadn’t been paying attention to that change, which is why their results were slowing.
Which is why sales reps were getting exhausted.
And looking at those facts objectively made them realize, oh, the approach needs to change.
And think about that from an emotional standpoint.
It’s very different to say my approach needs to change, as opposed to I need to change.
The other thing that you can be doing objectively is looking at the data around what is working and taking stock of that and doing more of it.
Change isn’t always fixing something that’s broken.
Sometimes it’s about doing more of the things that are working.
And so take a look at that data objectively.
Force yourself to determine what’s not working.
And so what approaches need to change and what is working and what you can do more of in order to create that success.

Don’t forget to check out: Why Your Sales Process will Fail!

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