A Google Statistic, and Questions You Need To Ask

Ipad In a recent statistic released by Statisticbrain.com, last year there were approximately 5.134 billion Google searches performed each day. While they should be releasing their 2013 statistics at some point in the new year, there’s no doubt that the number has gone up.

Seeing that statistic begs the following three questions:

1.    What are you doing to ensure that you’re easily found in a Google search?

2.    What are you doing to ensure audiences feel the urge to click on your website and remain interested enough to check in often?

3.    What effort are you making to ensure that you’re properly engaging and following up with these audiences?

There’s no question that Google has changed much more than just the internet. They’ve truly pioneered a new way that the entire world finds information. Among the vastness of information to be found via Google, you need to make sure you’re making sufficient efforts to ensure you and your website aren’t being lost in the crowd. ← Click To Tweet

Through creating and sharing valuable content (blogs, videos, images), using keywords to tag your blog posts and being active on social media, you can better your chances of being discovered by customers who are just waiting to do business with you!

Dedicated to ending this year right!

