A Branding Lesson from the Wineries

This past weekend, Chris and I decided to try something new as well as something old. We hopped on our motorcycles and headed off to Prince Edward County for the first time.

This almost-island in South-Eastern Ontario is home to a booming collection of wineries, restaurants and art galleries. Smaller in scale than it’s Western cousin, Niagara, it was great to be able to casually chat with winery owners about their efforts to grow grapes in what turns out to be soil that is virtually identical to Burgundy (think Pinot Noir).

It is true that when you get to know the individuals behind the brand, you develop a much stronger personal connection. And as we demonstrated – you buy more! In fact, we had to arrange to have our wine shipped back as it wouldn’t fit on our motorcycles. Make sure you’re adding your personality into each communication with your prospects and customers to build that connect!

On the way back to Ottawa, we visited something old: Kingston. It had been a long time since we’d been there and boy, has a lot changed. Whether it was new barracks at the Royal Military College where Chris went to school or the new downtown waterfront development (where I’m standing in the photo), it was virtually a new experience.

There is a lesson there for everyone: it’s too easy to lose track of connections. A lot can happen in the interim and so it pays to reconnect. So stay connected with your clients and reconnect with those that you’ve lost contact with. I guarantee that it pays to stay in touch!

Dedicated to increasing your sales,

Colleen Francis

P. S. I don’t want to scare you but September is less than a month away! That means that we’ll be on the home stretch for your 2011 sales. To make sure that you’re armed with the strategies you need to close out the year and head into 2012, make sure to check out early registration savings for the Sales Accelerator Summit!






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