8 Prospecting Tips

Computer key blue  - Tips and TricksIn a perfect world, prospects would fall from the sky. There would be no need to hunt or chase people down, they’d simply just appear!

Unfortunately, as we tune back into reality, we have to accept that prospects can be tough to come across. Many salespeople have exceptional product knowledge and people skills, but lack the prospecting abilities to actually put those skills into practice. There’s no escaping the fact that we have to prospect consistently in order to sell consistently.

If prospecting is continuously slipping to the bottom of your daily todo list, here are 8 tips that can help you find more people to sell to. The best part? They are all easy to implement! With these tips you can finally throw the excuses out the window and get to work!

1. Sell more products to existing customers
2. Set a goal for the number of networking events you will attend each month
3. Take a look at your email list and scan for potential prospects
4. Ask your current customers for referrals
5. Go for lunch or coffee with one new person each week
6. Volunteer to speak at trade shows or conferences
7. Join trade associations that your clients and prospects belong to
8. Send relevant items of interest to your mailing list

Notice that there is a common theme that seems to exist in all 8 of these tips. In order to meet new potential customers, you must take action! There is no sales strategy or process in the world that will allow you to make sales if you have no customers. ← Click To Tweet

Because of this, you must always make prospecting one of your top priorities. You don’t need to implement all of these tips at the same time, in fact, you probably shouldn’t risk biting off more than you can chew. I recommend implementing 2-3 of these tips to start off and allow them to evolve over time until you are ready to add more of these tips to your routine.

Prospecting doesn’t have to be a daunting task that is continuously put off. By adding a few new easy processes to your routine, you can drastically improve the number of people you sell to

Are you looking for ways to create strong and consistent sales results? My new book Nonstop Sales Boom is a must-read for you!

What’s one easy tip you would provide to someone who’s struggling with prospecting?

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